1.《 医疗器械经营许可申请表》(原件1份)
The application for a medical device business license is basedon the "Implementation Rules of Beijing Municipality (2017 RevisedEdition)", and the specific materials to be submitted are asfollows:
1. Application Form for Medical Device Business License (1original)
2. Copy of Business License (original for inspection); (1copy)
3. Identity certificates of the legal representative, enterpriseleader, and quality manager (original copies to be verified),copies of education or professional title certificates (for noncorporate retail enterprises that adopt chain operation throughunified procurement channels, provide copies of the identitycertificate, academic experience, or professional title certificateof the quality manager at the headquarters of the chainenterprise); (Original submission for inspection) (3 copies intotal)
4. Basic information of the enterprise (1 original copy).(Content includes: explanation of organizational structure anddepartment settings, geographical location map and floor plan ofbusiness premises and warehouses (indicating area), copies ofproperty ownership certificate and usage right certificate ofwarehouses, (for entrusted storage, copies of geographical locationmap and floor plan of business premises (indicating area) andwritten agreement signed with the entrusted party, and copies ofthe entrusted party's "Medical Device Business License" should besubmitted)
5. Information on enterprise facilities and equipment (1original copy). (Content includes: directory of operatingfacilities, equipment, quality management system, work proceduresand other documents, introduction to basic information andfunctional description of computer information management system)(1 original copy)
6. Authenticity assurance materials for the enterprise (1original). (The content includes: a self assurance statement on theauthenticity of the application materials, and a commitment to bearlegal responsibility for any false information in the materials. Ifthe specific personnel handling the application materials of theenterprise are not the legal representative or person in charge,the enterprise shall submit a "Power of Attorney".)